Pascal Gielen - Trust
Reflects on the increasing distrust in fellow human beings, governments and corporations. Highlights the importance of culture and the cultural commons for buil..(read more)
Publisher: Valiz / ISBN: 9789493246409
Author: Pascal Gielen
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Culture Theory, Politics, Sociology, Trust.
Price: €20.00
Philipp Dietachmair, Pascal Gielen, Georgia Nicolau (Eds.) - Sensing Earth
Our environmental issues are in the first place a matter of culture and aesthetics. Technology and science are not enough to solve these problems.
Publisher: Valiz / ISBN: 9789493246249
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Art, Ecology, Environment, Globalisation.
Price: €22.50